Social Impact

Many people feel that there is a lack of artists that have a high level of mastery of instrument play compared to times past. As a group, we want to showcase real musicianship in regards to the use of musical apparatuses.

So often when a municipality is in a budget crisis the first thing they want to do is cut extracurricular activities from schools; typically, the music programs are the first to go. This is exactly the opposite of what we should be doing.

As time goes on we will be discussing how music has dramatically influenced the lives of group members and others in the music industry as well as conversations about evidence-based research associated with music and the brain. For instance, the evidence that playing an instrument accelerates neural development in children.

We will be consistently driving home the “evidence” as a consistent theme with us speaking about how music has been a positive influence in our lives, as well as bringing in interviews with other well-known artists and newcomers.


Definitely, study is absolutely necessary in all forms – it’s just like any talent that’s born within somebody. It’s just like a good pair of shoes when you put a shine on it, you know? Like, schooling brings out the polish of any talent. It happens anywhere in the world. ~ Charlie Parker

Sophia Grace Shelton performing the first movement of the Camille Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto in A Minor.

Help Sophia Change The World | GoFundMe

Musician Highlight

Jabrel Johnson (Trumpet)


We are committed to upholding our most cherished values in every project and task we take on.

Etiam purus lorem, aliquet a eros sit amet, vestibulum finibus augue. Cras egestas neque vitae dui tincidunt, vitae tristique tellus volutpat. Fusce justo ante, interdum in augue in, commodo imperdiet turpis. Maecenas justo neque, efficitur sit amet scelerisque eu, ornare a justo.


Although we tend to price projects on a case by case basis, this is a guide to the services and project packages we offer to our clients.

Studio Blue Productions is a full-service production company created by musicians for musicians! It’s the love and appreciation for musicianship that drives our team to leverage decades of experience working with giants in the world of music from Motown, to Atlanta to L.A. providing a multitude of in-house services that includes but is not limited to:

  • Artist Development, Media, and Coaching Development
  • Concert Promotion
  • Cutting-Edge Recording Studios
  • Publishing Services


One challenge we often face as musicians is having an adequate place to practice, not just any place but the right place! Not to mention the hassle of setting up and breaking down the valuable time and resources that it takes.

Utilize our studio space to take your rehearsals to the next level. Of course, when it’s time to record…

Studio Blue offers a new breed of a music studio for today’s modern artists’ needs in the way engineers like to work capitalizing on the best of digital and analog tools. We embrace digital recording and the new channels it has opened up for producing and creating music while using new and vintage analog gear and microphones to shape your desired sound.

Creative services include:

  • Original music and lyric composition
  • Custom sound-a-like songs and re-lyrics
  • Music arranging, directing and production
  • Sound design, script and voice-over production
  • Provider of top vocal and instrumental talent
  • Audio and video editing, ADR, CD and DVD creation, and duplication.

Pro Tools & Digital Performer through a digital console with 96 inputs and 180 outputs of automated mixing. We pride ourselves on our attention to create a quality finished product.

Now that you’ve recorded the next big hit, it’s time to get it ready for world consumption. We not only take care of distribution but also just as importantly we help Protect Your Sound:

All paper services for your song

  • Copyright Registration
  • Obtain ISRC and UPC
  • Register Codes with Nielson Soundscan
  • Register song with BDS, Media Base, and Sound Exchange